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The Villano View

The Student News Site of Patrick M. Villano School

The Villano View

The Villano View

Kayla Elek

Kayla Elek, Reporter

Kayla Elek is a fifth grade student at Patrick M. Villano School. When reading, she enjoys realistic fiction books with a very intense story line. Elek also enjoys reading the New York Post, Sports Illustrated, and Time at home. Many people enjoy Elek's love for writing and her great athletic knowledge. During her free time, she enjoys playing basketball with her siblings and friends. Displayed in her room are many basketball, soccer, and softball trophies. Elek can’t wait to play sports in high school. Elek looks forward to being a sports announcer at Madison Square Garden when she grows up. As a member of The Villano View, she is excited to show her writing to her peers.

All content by Kayla Elek