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The Villano View

The Student News Site of Patrick M. Villano School

The Villano View

The Villano View

Neha Anoo

Neha Anoo, Reporter

Neha Anoo is a third grader at Patrick M. Villano School. Anoo is the elected representative of Student Congress for her class. She is interested in arts and crafts, and sports. In her freetime, Anoo loves to read and write stories because she enjoys making up stories about imaginary animals and people. She wants to be an artist when she grows up because she thinks that art is a great way to express yourself. She really likes to play sports like football and soccer. Anoo loves math because she loves to do things that involve problem solving. "Some things are just hard in the beginning, but once you get over that, it’s easy," said Anoo. Other extra curricular activities include dancing, swimming and playing the violin. 

All content by Neha Anoo