New Year’s is celebrated around the world with traditions. One tradition is to make resolutions, or goals, for the coming year. This tradition started about 4,000 years ago in ancient Babylon, according to the History Channel online. It’s carried on by some students at Patrick M. Villano School, such as sixth grader Noah Justo.
“My New Year’s resolution is to finish the Percy Jackson series. I will do this by trying to read a lot of the pages over the summer to try to achieve my goal. I think I will accomplish my goal in June or July,” Justo stated with pride.
Another sixth grade student, Michael DiBono, also has a goal for 2025 that involves reading.
“My New Year’s resolution to read 200 pages a month for Battle of the Books,” DiBono states. “I don’t want to do the bare minimum of 150. I will complete this goal by reading 7-10 pages a day.” He hopes to finish his goal by the end of the school year.
Victoria Bright, a librarian at the Emerson Public Library, specializes as Head of Children’s Services. She shared her resolution.
“My main resolution for this year is to pray more,” Bright said. “I’m going to do it during the night and sometimes day.”