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Honoring those who served

Nathan Amonica served in the Third Infantry Divison during World War 2 for the U.S. Army. He was April Catuogno's father. Catuogno is a fourth grade teacher at Patrick M. Villano School.
Nathan Amonica served in the Third Infantry Divison during World War 2 for the U.S. Army. He was April Catuogno’s father. Catuogno is a fourth grade teacher at Patrick M. Villano School.
April Catougno

Flags made from red, white, and blue construction paper decorated the fourth grade hallway at Patrick M. Villano School. Students created Americans flags and wrote a personal definiton of “hero” in honor of Veteran’s Day on each stripe.

According to Britannica Kids online, Veterans Day is November 11 each year. A veteran is a person who was in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or the Coast Guard. Those people who died while protecting the U.S. are especially remembered with parades or flowers.

“Veteren’s Day is important to me because I appreciate all the people who served in the military, and without them, we wouldn’t have any to fight for our country,” Will Gibbons, a fifth-grader, said.

Layla Robayo, a fifth-grader, agreed.

“I feel like Veteren’s Day is important to me because those who served for our country are heroes, and they should be appreciated more,” Robayo explained.



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