Booing is a popular tradition that involves leaving an anonymous Halloween treat on someone’s doorstep at night. However, some people find the activity dangerous because it’s hard to see when the sun is down. Colette DeBenedetto, a fifth grader, thinks that you should be careful.
“When booing you should watch your step because you don’t want to break a bone before Halloween,” DeBenedetto said. “You can still have fun booing. Just watch your step.”
She suggests bringing a flashlight and looking both ways when crossing the road. Also, check all treats before eating them, especially if you have allergies.
Sienna DeBenedetto, her sister, also thinks you should be on alert when booing.
“Watch out for rocks or sticks when going to people’s houses for booing. Don’t bring sun glasses or hats because they might block your vision,” DeBenedetto said.