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Olympics arriving early

Statistics is the study of collecting and analyzing data.
Statistics is the study of collecting and analyzing data.
Staff photoi

The Olympic games happened early this year at Patrick M. Villano School. The “Statistic Olympics” took place in the all-purpose room in May. The games were developed by sixth graders to show their knowledge of statistics learned throughout the school year.

According to Tyler McKell from the website Teachers Pay Teachers, “In this project students calculate the mean, median, and mode of events they create and use other statistics to determine the best measure of central tendency.”

“In the Statistic Olympics we learn all about statistics which is the mean, median and mode,” explained Kara Woodward, a sixth-grader. “Mean is the smallest amount of something, and the medium is in the middle. Then the mode is the highest amount.”

Woodward said the games were made for the younger students. Those games included bouncing a ping pong ball into a cup and shooting a mini-basketball through a hoop.

We then collect the data on a spreadsheet. At the end of the Statistic Olympics, we would show all of our data and see whoever had the highest amount of visitors points or timing,” Woodward said.

Some of the games required teamwork, some required students to be competitive, and others were played solo.

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