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Bustling businesses

The website for TREP$ features some local students and their projects. This  boy is a student at Stillwater School in Stillwater, NJ. He made and sold wreaths.
The website for TREP$ features some local students and their projects. This boy is a student at Stillwater School in Stillwater, NJ. He made and sold wreaths.
Staff photo


TREP$ Marketplace is an annual event at Patrick M. Villano School where fifth graders are given the opportunity to start their own business. Other students, parents, and staff can purchase the fifth graders’ products during a huge marketplace in the all-purpose room.

“I’m imitating the Tech Deck by making skateboards out of cardboard and resin,” Carter Ostroff, one enterpreneur, said. “I’ll be selling a value pack for $3.00, and that includes a ram and the board.”

Ostroff’s “Skate Shop” was one of dozens of shops at the recent TREP$ MarketPlace in June. TREP$ stands for entrepreneur. An enterpreneur is someone who takes financial risk on making their own business. Cate Gallucci is the fifth grade teacher in charge of TREP$.

“I like when there is something that is very popular like toys that sells a lot but also something not a lot people are doing. Also, I like that kids get super excited about learning how to own a business and make money,” Gallucci said.

Fifth graders had $35.00 in their project budget. They used that start up money to create a unique item. They got to keep all their profits.  The average selling price for products at the marketplace is between $2.oo and $6.00.

“I usually buy things that are about $2.00 to $3.00,” Erin Amicucci said. The special education teacher enjoy the marketplace each year. “The most I’ve ever spent was probably $5.00. I always have a lot of keys, so I’d want to see someone make a keychain, and I’d pay about $2.00 to $5.00 for it depending on size.”

Sixth grader Christian Velez participated in the TREP$ marketplace last year.

“I want to have products that people have that would make me shocked! The most I’d pay would be about $5 but it has to be really cool,” Velez said.



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