Weeks of winter fun

December 23, 2021

Some fourth grade students got into the winter spirit in honor of “A December to Remember”.

Multiple times a year, students at Patrick M. Villano Elementary School participate in spirit weeks. These special weeks usually occur before a holiday or a break from school. Giovanni Solimando is a sixth grader who enjoys each Spirit Week. As the president of the Student Congress this year, Solimando helped plan themes for the two weeks before winter break. The week was called “A December to Remember”.

“I think the hardest part is to figure out not what you like but what the whole school likes,” Solimando explained.

Although he loves each theme day, there is one that stands out.

“My favorite spirit day is hat and scarf day because it reminds me of winter and winter is my favorite season,” Solimando said. “I am pretty sure that pajama day is Villano’s favorite spirit day because when the teacher says that it is pajama day, everyone starts cheering in excitement.”

Students aren’t the only ones with spirit. Student Congress supervisor and fifth grade teacher, Kim Biggs, says she also loves these days a whole bunch. Her favorite theme was All Aboard the Polar Express where everyone wore pajamas.

“It is always a nice treat to be able to come to school in PJs,” Biggs said. “When thinking of the different themes, I tried to include all of the winter holidays that people around the world celebrate. I also tried to think of the days that would be easy and fun for everyone to participate in.”

Students received a calendar at the start of the two weeks outlining the theme for each day.

“We also included those calendars in notes and messages home to families. Finally, each morning, we announced the next day’s theme to be sure everyone knew what to expect for the next day,” Biggs said.

Both Biggs and Solimando shared many of the same ideas and thoughts and both loved “A December to Remember”.


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