A break for spring

March 23, 2021

Spring break in the Emerson Public School district starts Friday, April 2. Children return to classes on Monday, April 11.

The weather is just starting to get warmer, and students and staff are already looking forward to spring recess next month. Ariella Ceylan is a sixth grader at Patrick M. Villano Elementary School. She is really looking forward to doing what she loves best.

“I am most looking forward to biking with my friends and seeing my cousins that I haven’t seen in awhile,” Ceylan said. “I also do enjoy spring break because it’s fun, and plus I have more time to hang out with the people I care about.”

Dennis Gordon is the Digital Citizenship teacher at the school. He is looking forward to relaxation.

“Unfortunately, my wife has a different spring break than I do, so my plans are pretty simple: reading, running, and hiking with my dog.” Gordon said. “I also do love spring break. It is a great time to recharge before we enter the last few months of school which always get a little crazy, but I am most looking forward to being outside over spring break. I truly enjoy being outside, so the weather better be nice.”

Alyson, a student from Manhattan, New York, has some big plans.

“This spring break, I am going to do a few things. I am going to do a Javascript Gaming camp for one week. It is online, and my school is doing the program,” Alyson said. “My birthday is also during spring break, so I will be celebrating it with my family. I have a twin sister Alivia, so we share a birthday.”

Catherine Gallucci, who is a fifth-grade teacher, is looking forward to some nice weather.

“During spring break, I plan to spend a lot of time outdoors with my dog and my family,” Gallucci said. “We are hoping to go down the shore and walk on the beach and also spend one day going paintballing.”

Students and staff alike are looking forward to the break which starts Friday, April 2. The Emerson Public School District reopens on Monday, April 11.

“I enjoy being able to relax and spend my days and evenings doing whatever I enjoy, instead of schoolwork. It is nice to take a break,” Gallucci added.

“I also enjoy spring break because we get some time off of school. We have two weeks off of school in my area. This year I am a little happier for spring break. In this year because of COVID, it feels like we have more homework because it is all online,” Alyson said.

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