Montvale Lanes bowling tournament brings all together
March 23, 2018
Bowlers get their final instructions before hitting the lanes. The Kevin Bayley tournament is in its third year. The tournament is a way to celebrate the life of the Emerson resident loved by so many.
Montvale Lanes celebrated its annual bowling tournament in honor one of Emerson’s most missed men, Kevin Bayley. In April of 2014, Bayley passed away at the age of 21 due to heart issues. He was a graduate of Emerson Junior-Senior High School’s Class of 2012. Those who knew Bayley describe him as a joyful, bright man who enjoyed spending time with his family.
“It gives me a warm feeling coming back to the bowling alley, remembering Kevin. This was his favorite place in the world,” Jim Bayley, Kevin’s dad, said.
He truly misses his outgoing personality.
“His ability to tease me. Whenever I would trip or fall, he would make fun of me. If I said the wrong word, he would make fun of me,” the elder Bayley explained.
The bowling tournament was chosen as a way to celebrate Bayley’s life.
“It really means a lot because Kevin really was a special friend. I want everyone to be able to remember him even though he’s gone,” the tournament organizer said.
This year’s first place winners were Charlie Spiegel and Eduardo Pendas. In second place was Lucas Steiginga and Ryan Kitz. In third place was Michael Droste and Katherine Haight.
The Kevin Bayley bowling tournament is in its third year. All participants of the bowling league have a shot at the title and consider it an honor to win. This year the tournament was held in a slightly different way. In the past, finalists were decided after two rounds of bowling. This year, finalists were decided by the scores of the first game.