Safety Patrol back in action

October 21, 2022


The new members of the Safety Patrol try on their badges for the first time.

Students wearing bright yellow belts are once again walking around Patrick M. Villano Elementary School. The Safety Patrol is helping with the safety and well being for both students and staff. Safety Patrol is an extracurricular activity offered to all the sixth grade students.

“It feels good knowing I am keeping my school community safe and setting an example for the younger students,” Emily Schneider, a sixth-grade student, said. “Some things we do for safety patrol is we help students safely cross the parking lot in the morning and make sure students are being safe in the courtyard.”

Each safety patrol is assigned a job. Some feel it is very rewarding to serve the school community as a patrol.

“It makes me feel happy that I am helping my school. We make sure everyone is safe and kind,” Sayde Borenius said.

Patrols monitor words and actions, too, as a way to encourage everyone to be respectful.

This year’s teacher advisers are school social worker, Amanda Binetti, and physical education teacher, Franklin Tiburcio.

“There are countless moments throughout the day where Safety Patrol officers are showing their love for Villano, and we truly appreciate their dedication to making our school a safer place for all members of the community,” Binetti said.

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