Back on stage

April 19, 2022

Jessica Espinoza

It was a packed house for opening night of Kamp Kaos.

Many fifth and sixth graders at Patrick M. Villano School are busy after school practicing for the annual school play. Kamp Kaos is a musical about Wally Schneider, a sleepaway camp director, who goes through some wacky drama on opening day. Fifth-grader Cora Kahofer is excited for her role as Linda Dobson, a counselor at Kamp Kaos.

“I am enjoying the school play. It’s  been a lot of fun during rehearsals, and I think it is really coming together,” Kahofer states. “I definitely will want to do it next year. I hope that a lot of other cast members and even new people sign up for next years production.”

Gagliardo, a fifth-grader, was disappointed that the play wasn’t offered to students last year due to Covid.

“I think it’s great to have it [the play] back. I’ve been waiting for this for a very long time!” Olivia Gagliardo said. “I think that it is great to have all come together and do the play.” 

Another fifth grader, Daniella Beahm, agrees.

“I also think it’s good because you get to share your talent. This is a good opportunity after school to spend time with your friends,” Beahm said.

Music teacher Victoria Ioppoli is looking forward to opening night.

“We decided to do the play because it has been a special tradition at Villano,” Ioppoli explained.

Ioppolo is in charge of production along with 6th grade Science teacher, Elizabeth McClafferty, and school social worker Amanda Binetti. Kamp Kaos is scheduled for May 5 and May 6. Performances will be at 7 p.m. at the Patrick M. Villano School auditorium.

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