Safely celebrating Halloween
November 11, 2020
Some residents of Emerson found creative ways to give candy to trick-or-treaters. These homeowners created a chute from a second floor window that dropped treats to children waiting at the door.
Halloween this year looked very different from previous years because of COVID-19. Masks were part of every costume, and people couldn’t hangout at friends’ houses, host Halloween parties, or share candies. Social distancing was in place for safety. Class parents couldn’t plan fun parties for the students at Patrick M. Villano School, either. The school nurse shared her advice for the holiday.
“Inside and outside, stay at least 6 feet away from others that don’t live with you” Katie Carolan said.
She also had advice for trick-or-treating.
¨You should make sure to wash your hands, bring hand sanitizer with you, and use it after touching objects or other people,” Carolan said.
Many residents of Emerson left a candy bowl outside their house on a table. That way trick-or-treaters simply grabbed piece of candy without having any interaction with others. Many students thought this was a great way to safely take candy from neighbors’ homes. Student Emma Walker went trick-or-treating.
“You should of course social distance, and make sure your face is covered by a mask,” Walker said.
“I enjoy Halloween so much because it is really fun to go out with your friends trick or treating!” said Jarah Mazzola. “Especially if you are doing a group costume with all of your friends!”