Sports in quarantine
June 12, 2020
Sports like baseball can start practicing as long as social distancing is in place, according to a new statement from Governor Phil Murphy.
Sadly, some early spring high school sports like track, softball, and baseball were cancelled in Emerson weeks ago due to concerns over COVID-19. However, Governor Phil Murphy recently made an important announcement. Murphy stated if you play an organized sport outside and you follow current social distancing rules, you can start playing again on June 22. Social distancing means no direct contact, so sports like football, wrestling, and basketball can perform individual drills and exercises, but nothing more right now. High school practices can resume again after June 30.
Luckily, some recreational sports are opening in Emerson including baseball and softball on June 22. Soccer will start when it usually does like a regular season in the fall. Right now, I am trying to make the most of the sports I play in this pandemic by practicing, so I am ready when sports open back up. A friend and I meet about once a week to shag ground balls and practice hitting at a field near Patrick M. Villano School.
Also, being on a club team for baseball gives me additional practice. On Mondays, Wednesday, and Thursdays I have a one hour Zoom wrestling workout and a private lesson on Tuesday and Thursday. In the beginning, it was tough but things are slowly getting better, and I took every chance to be ready for my sports, and I think you should too.