A parents’ guide to Fortnite
April 28, 2019
What is Fortnite?
Fortnite is a PvP (player vs. player) game where you try to eliminate other players to be the last one standing. The maximum number of people in one match is one hundred.
How is Save the World different from Battle Royale?
The difference is in Save the World, you fight zombies to earn pinatas, materials, and weapons. In Battle Royal, you fight until you are the last one standing.
Is Fortnite appropriate for children?
It depends on the age group. For kids 10 to 18, it is an appropriate game, but if you are playing at the age of 5 to 9 then I would say it is not appropriate due to some violence.
Why are some children so excited about playing Fortnite?
Once you lose a match in Fortnite, players just want to keep going until they win a match. Once they win, they feel good, so they try to win another match after that.
What is a season in Fortnite?
A season in Fortnite is basically how long until the next Battle Pass comes. It is usually 2 to 3 months. Every season, the map changes, and more excitement is added like skins, dances, and backblings.
What console do I need to play Fortnite?
You can play Fortnite on the Xbox One, PS4, IPad, PCs, Nintendo Switch, and iPhone.
What’s the expense?
It depends on how you get Fortnite. It can cost 40 dollars if you buy it in a store. It is free if you download it on your console.
Do parents need to worry about the violence?
No, as long as you teach violence is bad and not to be violent in real life.
Santiago • Jun 12, 2020 at 8:39 am
My mom and dad should definitely read this. Good job.
Matthew Melillo • Feb 24, 2020 at 2:48 pm
Nice. I can finally understand.
David Kim • May 10, 2019 at 3:33 pm
Great job, Ben! Very descriptive.