Hitting it out of the PARCC
May 31, 2018
Sixth grade teachers practiced PARCC test items with their students. The state Department of Education released some sample test questions and answers earlier this year.
It’s over! For seven days last month, students at Patrick M. Villano School worked extremely hard on The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) tests. Every morning, students put ample amounts of effort into these important state assessments. The Language Arts and Math tests checked to see whether students are learning now and if they’re ready for the future.
“I felt very relieved once it was done. It was pretty stressful, and knowing that it would all go away made me feel good,” sixth grader Christina Pesce said.
Testing occurred on Wednesday, May 9, through Wednesday, May 16. Students received some advantages like less homework and less schoolwork.
“I thought it was really nice,” Zuzu Hill from sixth grade said. “After all that hard-thinking, I think we really deserved the rest of the day to relax and unwind.”
Now that students have completed the tests, they are back to their regular day and have more time to complete their schoolwork. It didn’t take long for students to adjust back to reality.
Mia Worthington • Dec 20, 2018 at 1:26 pm
Great job! I enjoyed reading this article very much, and I could relate to almost everything!
Liam Pattermann • Dec 20, 2018 at 10:42 am
Great job! I really think that you guys worked very hard on this and made a swell point. PARCC testing is difficult and stressful, so when it was over it was very relieving.
Ava McAdams • Dec 20, 2018 at 10:39 am
Good job, Nora and Ethan. Your wording was awesome, and your interviews go nicely with the article. Well done.
Alex • Dec 20, 2018 at 10:38 am
You did a very good job writing, and you were very descriptive. Also, good job with using your C.U.P.S.